Orthodox Wisdom
Orthodox Wisdom
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Orthodoxy and Ecumenism: St. Justin Popovic's Reply to the Serbian Bishops
In addition to St. Justin Popovic's piercing theological clarity, this text offers us three significant examples: 1) The Serbian Hierarchs humbly asked a priest for his thoughts before making their decision 2) This priest, St. Justin, responded boldly and clearly 3) The Serbian Hierarchs followed his advice. All this is regarding a most tempting and powerful heresy attacking the Orthodox Church today: Ecumenism.
-READ the text here:
0:00 Begin
0:11 Introduction and Historical Context by Bishop
7:17 Quote from Bishop Athanasius Yevtich on St. Justin not breaking communion with the local Churches
8:39 St. Justin’s reply to the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church
-BUY “The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism” by St. Justin:
-BUY "Orthodox Faith and Life in Christ" by St. Justin:
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St. Justin writes:
The Church of Christ has defined her stand towards heretics- and all non-Orthodox are heretics-once and for all through the Holy Apostles and the Holy Fathers, namely, through the Holy Theanthropic Tradition, which is unique and immutable. In keeping with this stand, Orthodox are forbidden to engage in joint prayer or liturgical communion with heretics.
These and all of the other pertinent Canons of the Holy Apostles and the Holy Fathers were not valid only in the ancient period, but continue to be completely valid today, as well, for all of us contemporary Orthodox Christians. They are unquestionably valid also for our stance towards Roman Catholics and Protestants. For, Roman Catholicism is a manifold heresy, and about Protestantism, what are we to say? It is better not to say anything. Already in his time, seven and half centuries ago, did St. Sava not call Roman Catholicism “the Latin heresy”?
Was it really necessary for the Orthodox Church, the all-immaculate Theanthropic Body and organism of the God-Man Christ, to be so monstrously humiliated that Her theological representatives, including even Hierarchs (among whom were also Serbs), should seek after “organic” participation and inclusion in the World Council of Churches, which thus becomes a new ecclesiastical “organism,” a “new Church” above the churches, of which the Orthodox Church and non-Orthodox churches are merely “members,” “organically” joined to each other? Alas, an unprecedented betrayal!
Most Reverend Fathers, our Orthodox Church of the Holy Fathers and St. Sava, the Church of the Holy Apostles and the Holy Fathers, of the Holy Confessors, Martyrs, and New Martyrs, must now, at the eleventh hour, cease ecclesiastical, Hierarchical, and liturgical involvement with the so-called World Council of Churches and renounce for good any participation whatsoever in joint prayers and worship (for worship, in the Orthodox Church, is organically linked together in a totality and is consummated in the Divine Eucharist) and, in general, participation in any ecclesiastical endeavor [with the heterodox] which, as such, bears within itself and expresses the unique and incomparable character of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, which is ever One and unique.
Orthodox theologians should participate not in “ecumenical joint prayers,” but in theological dialogues in the Truth and about the Truth, as the Holy and God-bearing Fathers have done throughout the ages.
Bishop Athanasius Yevtich writes:
“We were closely acquainted with the Blessed Father Justin and we know that he had never broke communion with any of the Orthodox Churches or a Bishop or a Patriarch, not even with the Serbian Patriarch Germans (1958-1990-as some "zealots "shamelessly lie-not even when the Patriarch Ger-manos was one of the "presidents of WCC" (a formal and honorary title without any binding conditions or duties as indeed was the participation of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the WCC). As a free and responsible member of the Church of Christ, Justin prophetically reproved and, when necessary, criticized in written form (having written a couple of criticism letters to Patriarch Germans and the Synod, inter alia, the letters pertaining to superficial western ecumenism). But on no account did he ever create a schism, but on the contrary used to say: “Schisms are easily made but they are enormously difficult to heal.” -Notes on Ecumenism, pp. 36-37
Orthodox Wisdom is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!
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What Has the Feast of Pascha Left In Our Souls? - St. John of Kronstadt
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The Seven Phrases Christ Spoke on the Cross - St. Nikolai Velimirović
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St. Nikolai Velimirović offers comments on the seven phrases Christ spoke on the Cross, helping us go deeper in our understanding and love for Christ. -READ the text here: www.johnsanidopoulos.com/2019/04/the-seven-phrases-christ-spoke-on-cross.html -FIND an Orthodox parish and monastery near you: orthodoxyinamerica.org/ St. Nikolai teaches: The fourth phrase: "My God, My God, why have you fors...
Christ's Love For the Sinful Woman - St. Ephraim the Syrian
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St. Ephraim offers a dynamic commentary on this famous story (Matthew 26:6-13) that the Orthodox Church reads each year on Holy Wednesday. Presenting detailed conversations between the sinful woman, the devil, Simon the Pharisee, and Christ, this homily is faithful to Scripture yet expands our understanding and experience of this most instructive example of repentance and love. -READ the text h...
Remember the Sufferings of Christ - St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
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St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, one of the most beloved Russian saints of the past few centuries, exhibits his apostolic love and zeal in these brief exhortations. Always remember the sufferings, the love of Christ Jesus. 0:00 Beginning 0:11 Remembrance of the Divine Passion 3:16 Imitation of the Life of Christ Text is from "Journey to Heaven", p. 99-103. To my knowledge, this book is out of print and u...
Experiences of Theosis - Elder George of Gregoriou
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This short excerpt from Elder George's treatise discusses the characteristics of experiences of theosis, union with God, the true purpose of each and every human being. Elder George (Kapsanis), former Abbot of the St. Gregorios Monastery on Mount Athos who reposed in the Lord on Pentecost 2014, presents the Orthodox understanding of Theosis and the essential path towards receiving this divine g...
Qualifications For Theosis - Elder George of Gregoriou
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This short excerpt from Elder George's treatise explains the qualifications for attaining the true purpose of each and every human being: union with God, or Theosis. Elder George (Kapsanis), former Abbot of the St. Gregorios Monastery on Mount Athos who reposed in the Lord on Pentecost 2014, presents the Orthodox understanding of Theosis and the essential path towards receiving this divine gift...
The Fiery Repentance of St. Mary of Egypt - St. Luke the Surgeon
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St. Luke teaches: "With this deep and fiery repentance the force that prevented her from entering the church receded and she finally entered. There she fell before the life-giving Cross of the Lord and did not get up until the end of the service. Tears flowed from her eyes, from the eyes that once seduced men and are now cleansed with wholehearted and fervent repentance." -READ the Life of St. ...
I Feel In Blessed Augustine the Love of Christ - Fr. Seraphim Rose
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In this letter, Fr. Seraphim expresses his reaction to unhealthy approaches to Blessed Augustine, the great bishop and Church father of Africa, and shares a more personal side of his own experience with Augustine and his works: "I feel in Augustine the love of Christ." In Fr. Seraphim Rose’s time, as well as today in 2024, many diverse and strongly held opinions exist when it comes to how we sh...
On the Freemasonic Roots of the Ecumenical Movement - St. Seraphim of Sofia
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St. Seraphim of Sofia discusses an important aspect of the Ecumenical Movement in the 20th century: Freemasonry. Presenting to the Moscow Pan-Orthodox Congress of 1948, which included representatives from nearly all autocephalous Orthodox churches, St. Seraphim highlights the well-known Freemason, John Raleigh Mott, the main promoter of "unity" among separate Christian groups. Mott spearheaded ...
Answers To Challenging Fasting Questions - Elder Epiphanios of Athens
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Elder Epiphanios Theodoropoulos ( 1989) was a celibate priest who lived his whole life in the world. “He didn’t retreat to Mt. Athos which he loved dearly, but lived in the city of Athens...." Absorb the wisdom of this faithful priest of our times. 0:00 Beginning 0:07 Fasting and Dieting 2:21 Fasting and Name Days 3:02 Fasting and Hospitality -READ the text here: www.johnsanidopoulos.com/2013/1...
What is an Anathema? - St. Theophan the Recluse
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What is an Anathema? - St. Theophan the Recluse
Turning Filthy Temptations Into Crowns of Victory - Elder Ephraim of Arizona
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Turning Filthy Temptations Into Crowns of Victory - Elder Ephraim of Arizona
On Idle Talk and Gossip - Abbess Thaisia
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On Idle Talk and Gossip - Abbess Thaisia
Adam's Lament - St. Silouan the Athonite
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Adam's Lament - St. Silouan the Athonite
Apostolic Fervor & A Protector of Orphans - St. Herman of Alaska (Treasury of Spirituality V-IX)
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Apostolic Fervor & A Protector of Orphans - St. Herman of Alaska (Treasury of Spirituality V-IX)
On Exercise - St. Nektarios of Aegina
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On Exercise - St. Nektarios of Aegina
Children in Church - Fr. Michael Pomazansky of Jordanville
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Children in Church - Fr. Michael Pomazansky of Jordanville
The Way of a Christian - St. Herman of Alaska (Treasury of Spirituality I-IV)
Переглядів 6 тис.3 місяці тому
The Way of a Christian - St. Herman of Alaska (Treasury of Spirituality I-IV)
Entertainment On the Eve of Feast Days - Archbishop Averky & St. John Maximovitch
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Entertainment On the Eve of Feast Days - Archbishop Averky & St. John Maximovitch
Fighting the Passions - Archbishop Theophan of Poltava
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Fighting the Passions - Archbishop Theophan of Poltava
In Defense of the Ever-Virginity of the Virgin Mary - Elder Cleopa of Romania
Переглядів 2,7 тис.4 місяці тому
In Defense of the Ever-Virginity of the Virgin Mary - Elder Cleopa of Romania
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear - Abba Dorotheos of Gaza
Переглядів 2,5 тис.4 місяці тому
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear - Abba Dorotheos of Gaza
Fasting On Wednesday & Friday - St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite
Переглядів 8 тис.4 місяці тому
Fasting On Wednesday & Friday - St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite
The Nuns of Shamordino ("We Will Not Work For Antichrist")
Переглядів 4,8 тис.4 місяці тому
The Nuns of Shamordino ("We Will Not Work For Antichrist")
The Sinless Christ Became Sin For Us - St. Maximus the Confessor
Переглядів 2,4 тис.4 місяці тому
The Sinless Christ Became Sin For Us - St. Maximus the Confessor


  • @franciscafazzo3460
    @franciscafazzo3460 Годину тому

    Son o f God rescue me

  • @franciscafazzo3460
    @franciscafazzo3460 Годину тому

    Im a dirty ma n

  • @franciscafazzo3460
    @franciscafazzo3460 Годину тому

    I'm an addict

    @VASI_LIKI 21 годину тому

    Natural exercise not artificial obsession in aa gym.

  • @carloshermida1748
    @carloshermida1748 День тому

    The only two❓

    • @OrthodoxWisdom
      @OrthodoxWisdom 23 години тому

      There are exceptions to every rule, but as a rule these are the two paths for those seeking to please Christ.

  • @unusualbug1113
    @unusualbug1113 День тому

    What makes you so sure that jesus was not 'false' or 'demonic' either? Christianity has caused wars and killed so many, its truly Christianity that has caused a lot of damage.

  • @vukgrkovic2436
    @vukgrkovic2436 День тому

    Please pray for me. I was raised Orthodox but have recently started to take the faith seriously. However I sometimes doubt my faith and bad thoughts have been driving me insane. It doesn't help that everyone doesn't take the faith seriously (not judging anyone) and I sometimes feel like giving in.

  • @vaticanjesuitNWO
    @vaticanjesuitNWO 2 дні тому

    What is common among Orthodox, Catholicism, Freemasonry, and apostate Protestantism? IDOLATRY!

  • @katedevoy
    @katedevoy 3 дні тому

    All will be in God's time. Too many are trying with calculations and whatever else to figure out the end time line but we are admonished to leave it be and to trust in God alone. Too much talk from Protestantism that the time is upon us. God is in control of everything. EVERYTHING. May God have mercy upon us all. ☦☦

  • @NightShade671
    @NightShade671 4 дні тому

    It wasn't a demon of fornication, it was a demon of plain lust, because he wasn't a fornicator.

  • @dudewassup27
    @dudewassup27 4 дні тому

    Brother your voice is so boring

  • @michaelmaklakov2111
    @michaelmaklakov2111 5 днів тому

    As potential Orthodox.

  • @lindamorgan2678
    @lindamorgan2678 5 днів тому

    I have found protestants are horrible, to the catholics and even other protestants and denominations AND different churches with in their dominations. It is a " My Truth" attitude and My Interpretation" Just go on youtube and see the slamming everyone else. Very sad and they are brainwashed and spew parroted lies also especially about the Catholics. Most do not have a clue about Eastern Orthodox. It is very sad to see and hear. We are so fallen in more ways than one total societal collapse thanks the the Communist agenda we have been under for more than a few decades.. Ecumenism is all part of this one world global Commie system too. Very horrible to see some of the Orthodox taking part in it at ALL.!

  • @KingdomIsNow
    @KingdomIsNow 5 днів тому

    An imperative excellent necessity for the sanctification of the soul. May our souls be pure before we meet the afterlife and the Second Advent of our beloved redeemer.

  • @anthonyally4390
    @anthonyally4390 5 днів тому

    Amen🕊 I've found Noetic Jesus prayer warm my heart, as I pray St Symeon the Metaphrastes Holy Communion preparation prayers. Also important to consciously focus and open my heart during Vespers, Orthros and Divine Liturgy prayers. Thank God for powerful means God has given humble Orthodox Christian faithful to receive the Grace of transformation of our lives with The Holy Body and Blood of our God and Savior Jesus Christ ☦️🛐 May our glorified Saints pray for us to be filled with God The Holy Spirit as St Symeon the Theologian and all Orthodox Church fathers.

  • @malgwengreenleaf9427
    @malgwengreenleaf9427 5 днів тому

    I’m struggling with self hatred. Could this all apply to that?

    • @OrthodoxWisdom
      @OrthodoxWisdom 5 днів тому

      You can certainly be inspired by the man’s relentless willingness to repent. He kept falling but also kept getting up.

  • @donhaddix3770
    @donhaddix3770 6 днів тому

    only God can glorify,

  • @donhaddix3770
    @donhaddix3770 6 днів тому

    open te bible, leave orthodoxy.

  • @zacharybraganza3747
    @zacharybraganza3747 6 днів тому

    My friend you can't see the Pope is the anti Christ, USA IS BABYLON. The Pope smashes the Ten Commandments with his gay friend ànd smiles. He gives the Eucharist to a person who kills babies and says who am l to Judge. He brings gay priests into the Church and let's them have Sex in Church, and says Jesus says it's okay. Open your eyes Christians

  • @JettyBootChamp
    @JettyBootChamp 6 днів тому

    Where is this picture taken? It is absolutely stunning.

  • @OrthodoxyChronicles
    @OrthodoxyChronicles 7 днів тому

    How anyone can look at the Bible and say homosexuality is okay is nuts. Paul is addressing the Romana and Corinthians on "Love is Love man" argument you here today. The people there still thought they could still "Act in Love" with the same sex as they did before. It's the reason he addressed it in his letters. He explains how it's not part of the nature of creation. It's quite clear as people would have asked, "well why does God allow them and the feelings" paul explains clearly he has given them up to a reprobate mind. He's left them to choose righteousness or be a reprobate. Ben Sirach clearly explains God has given man free will... do not say God has made me to it or this way etc...

  • @russellhoward3866
    @russellhoward3866 7 днів тому

    I wish I still had my grandpa. The Saints help, but I miss him.

  • @user-ox4iu9bs8j
    @user-ox4iu9bs8j 7 днів тому

    Dear brother, welcome to the path of salvation - ORTHODOX. CHRISTIANITY!

  • @adnannazifi4532
    @adnannazifi4532 7 днів тому

    Ok you accepted , christianity ok but do you now that , jesus peace be upon him , he never ever manchening orthodox or christianity , what was his teaching or pricing and izraelies day rejected Jesus the truth , way , do we now what the LORD almighty, want from us , or we believe what we like, traditional , mentality, and different cultures , ok with that we can get the paradise , i don't think so , thanks

  • @lindamorgan2678
    @lindamorgan2678 8 днів тому

    Thank you ! I believe.

  • @patricktully1874
    @patricktully1874 8 днів тому

    The jews are absolutely not the chosen people that is a lie from the pit of HELL

  • @KingdomIsNow
    @KingdomIsNow 8 днів тому

    Though I do not attend an Eastern Orthodox Church, however, the doctrine of theosis should be pursued by every Christian believer. I also do study other orthodox doctrines.

  • @ravindersoba5591
    @ravindersoba5591 8 днів тому

    We will never completely overcome sin. Romans 7, Paul struggled then in the last verses he says, " Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ"..... How? Romans 5/6 By giving us HIS Righteousness! Thats is Grace, so now we are not condemned Romans 8, for we have Spiritual nature and sinful nature.....both our enmity against eachother! So set your mind on the Saviour.....renew your mind by what Christ has done for you..... And when you sin.... Thank God the work of the Cross is work of mercy and forgivness.

  • @collarish
    @collarish 9 днів тому

    I’m a Catholic, I do not know that it is Catholic teaching that God’s grace is created. It seems obvious to me it is uncreated.

  • @Unseen_warfare.
    @Unseen_warfare. 9 днів тому

    You’re the one guy I respect the most out of any of these channels. The only point I don’t agree with is the idea you have to stay under the heretical hierarchy to be in the Church. If that were true those who still venerated icons under the iconoclasts wouldn’t have needed to be received back into the Church. They inherited the heresy even if they still venerated icons. It’s like saying the Catacomb Church shouldn’t have made a underground continuation of a proper orthodox synod. It doesn’t make sense. What makes you “Canonical” isn’t staying under heretics and being apart of churches connected with the WCC.

  • @fotisvon9943
    @fotisvon9943 9 днів тому

    *breathes deeply*

  • @constancemanteris7182
    @constancemanteris7182 9 днів тому

    So very beautiful.

  • @fr.averky7970
    @fr.averky7970 9 днів тому

    Is the situation better today in the Belgrade Patriarchate? Why celebrate someone who exposes all of your anti-canonical actions which have filled the cup to overflowing?

  • @natashamiljevic701
    @natashamiljevic701 9 днів тому

    One of our (Serbian) biggest saints of XXth century, along with St Archbishop Nikolaj Velimirovic. A lifetime prisoner of Celije monastery due to his books and speaches against ecumenism and communism at that time. PhD of Philosophy and Theology, fluent in Greek, Oldslavic, Russian and other languages. His work about Latin and Phanar heresy is a treasure and guidance for the global Orthodox Christian community. And everything else he did. You should listen his voice recordings as well...very very dramatic testimonies of real and truthful faith. Such a great mind and spirit!

    • @lindaphillips4646
      @lindaphillips4646 9 днів тому

      Natasha, i had no idea of all this. The Lord has provided gpod teachers for the Serbian people and now to us..

    • @natashamiljevic701
      @natashamiljevic701 9 днів тому

      @@lindaphillips4646 Indeed He did. The work of St Archimandrite Avva Justin Popovic and St Archbishop Nikolaj Velimirovic (also PhD of Philosophy and Theology, a poet as well - very respected and honoured in Russia) is a God's gift to all of us. Both saints were fighting for the purity of Orrhodox faith, against any heresy. Their books are the real treasure.

    • @lindaphillips4646
      @lindaphillips4646 9 днів тому

      ​@@natashamiljevic701i dearly love St. Nicholai. When i was on my journey to the Orthodox church i bought the PROLOGUE OF OHRID which i recommend to everyone. I cannot begin to tell you how much it helped me for years. I loved/love to read it. A marvelous work. His beautiful icon is at the end of the iconostasis in our home parish. I used to stand by it when i sang in the choir. I so loved that. I was told that the parish has a photograph of him sitting in the garden of the church when he came to the west coast after the war. He was a prisoner in Dachau.. which hurts my heart to think about. But the Lord had a reason for him and other Orthodox to be there. Anyway, just to think of him. And to believe that he hears me when i talk to him or about him fills my heart.

    • @natashamiljevic701
      @natashamiljevic701 8 днів тому

      @@lindaphillips4646 Oh I'm so glad for you! Yes, we call him Serbian Chrysostome and we are reading Prologue of Ohrid during the Holy Liturgy and during the lunch time (in monasteries). A divine book indeed! So as the city of Ohrid (in North Macedonia today) where he was an Archbishop of Serbian Orthodox Church for many years. A town with 365 churches, a cradle of Orthodoxy at Balkan (known by Holy bothers St Cyril and St Methodius and their disciples St Naum and St Kliment of Ohrid). So you're already connected in spirit with us as it seems 😇. And yes, St Nikolaj's Dachau days were the result of his work for our freedom and fight against heresy and German occupation of Yugoslavia (Serbia) in WW2. There he wrote "Through the dungeon window" novel, a kind of prophecy and vow for Serbs. You should visit Libertyville Monastery then, where he had spent his last years, dreaming of Serbia and its freedom...that photo you've mentioned was surely had been taken there...and now his Holy remains are in the Lelic Monastery in Serbia. I am a church singer as well so I understand you completely - we are always connected with certain saints during our church services, with those whose souls are similar to ours I suppose. And Serbia (along with Greece and Russia) is full of very old monasteries and saints' holy remains...their prayers are always with us. So, you should come and see and feel that for youself ☦

    • @lindaphillips4646
      @lindaphillips4646 8 днів тому

      ​@@natashamiljevic701natasha i am enjoying this conversation very much. And learning much. I won't get to Libertyville but i know i would love to. The photo i mentioned was taken at a church in LA.. IF you can, i encourage you to find the stories of the liberation of Dachau in April , 1945. There is a wonderful story about it. It was liberated on Holy Saturday on the western calendar. No one was released for a while because there was no place for them to go and the war was still being fought.. But the allies supplied everything they could to them.. There was an Easter service. Many catholics were there including priests. The next sunday was Pascha. The catholics loaned Communion pieces to the Orthodox. Red crosses from supplies were sewn on cloths. The locals provided the prosphora and wine. Monks from Mt. Athos conducted the service from memory. There is a story about an icon and a chapel there now.. or nearby.. And another entry has the names of the Orthodox held there and the names of St. Nicholai and the Archbishop (i believe) of Serbia are listed. So amazing. My husband and i were driving from Stuttgart to Munich in 1985 and we saw a sign to Dachau.. It was closed but we did at least drive up to the gates. Just as well. That was enough. I am actually grateful that we were not able to see inside. Outside was enough

  • @sammyog3475
    @sammyog3475 9 днів тому

    What about the 1983 Anathema Against Ecumenism from St Philaret of NY

  • @normadaly7506
    @normadaly7506 9 днів тому

    Thank you

  • @elenav.4355
    @elenav.4355 10 днів тому

    This was fire! He has written so many good things awaiting translation- his dogmatic works and the lives of saints are monumental.

  • @hartleyw6323
    @hartleyw6323 10 днів тому

    Unfortunately all the patriarchates of 'world Orthodoxy' are still participating in ecumenism.

  • @jonathanbritt6418
    @jonathanbritt6418 10 днів тому

    “Once N Pavlovich asked the Elder, “Is it possible to hope for the unification of the churches” He replied No!, Only an Ecumenical Council could do that, but there will be no more councils. There have been seven councils. Like the seven sacraments and the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. For our age, The number of fullness is the number seven. Eight is the number of the future age. Only separate people will be united to the Church.”- Elder Nektary of Optina, Page 182

    • @priestmethodiuschwastek7308
      @priestmethodiuschwastek7308 10 днів тому

      Additionally, the Church has always expressed itself using local Councils, both before and after the time of the Ecumene. We are not without the grace of the Holy Spirit simply because we are not united in the person of an Emperor.

    • @lindaphillips4646
      @lindaphillips4646 10 днів тому

      Jonathan, thank you. Makes PERFECT SENSE.

    • @jonathanbritt6418
      @jonathanbritt6418 9 днів тому

      @@priestmethodiuschwastek7308pray for us Father

    • @Unseen_warfare.
      @Unseen_warfare. 9 днів тому

      “On the "left" side Metr. Philaret is senselessly regarded as a "fanatic" and is accused of a number of extreme views which he has never expressed or held. His voice of true Orthodox moderation and sobriety is reviled and slandered by those-one must strongly suspect-whose conscience, weakened by compromise and openness to modernist renovationism, is not clean. To such ones the bold voice of Metr. Philaret ruins the harmony and accord; by which most of the other Orthodox Churches are proceeding to their dreamed-of "Eighth Ecumenical Council," at which renovationism will become the "canonical" norm and the Unia with Rome and the other Western heresies will become the official "Orthodox" position.”-Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) From The Orthodox Word, Vol. 12, no. 1 (66), 1976.

    • @priestmethodiuschwastek7308
      @priestmethodiuschwastek7308 9 днів тому

      @@jonathanbritt6418 Of course!

  • @SieddMcNeil
    @SieddMcNeil 10 днів тому

    The truth blazes like fire in the gloomy murk of this corrupt world! 🔥🙏☦️

  • @DMichiganWol21
    @DMichiganWol21 10 днів тому

    Wow. This touched my soul. Lord have mercy on me